Nimbus is an impact investment fund with the purpose of guarding and sharing the promise of a better future by honoring the roots of the Mexican people.

We support organizations focused on creating virtuous circles from their business model to improve the conditions of education and the environment.

Education and environment

Nimbus supports initiatives providing education and environmental solutions in Mexico that consider systemic change as a blueprint for growth, leverage collaboration to achieve greater impact, and see financial sustainability as a fundamental piece of their long-term development.

Education inculcates new generations with the knowledge acquired by their predecessors, integrates them into the forms of socialization in force and carries out the delicate negotiation between what society can bear of new information and what must be preserved as redundancy so as not to collapse social memory.

We believe the current educational structures should have space for freedom, space for creativity, space for connecting with the self, community and the ecology.

We invest in people, projects and organizations that promote a comprehensive transformative education that strengthens the capabilities of each individual in the educational ecosystem and their relationship with their family, community, and planet.

The environment is the discovery of that which determines the viability of society. Few concepts have achieved an expansion of the ethical dimension of human existence comparable to that achieved by the environment, since knowledge, care, use and the future are interwoven in a unique and hypercomplex way.

In any process of discovery, selectivity is key, as it drives our actions and resource allocation. Fondo Nimbus therefore carefully selects stewards of a healthy relationship with the environment.

We invest in people, projects and organizations that empower individuals and their relationship with the natural environment, promoting community economic development models and land stewardship through the regeneration and conservation of their biodiverse living ecosystems.

Thanks to the actors of organized civil society, Fondo Nimbus was born.

Along the journey we have had invaluable allies and mentors who took us from being a group of people with good intentions to being an institution with experience, financial and research discipline, and a broad vision that little by little is taking shape.